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I love this show
I listen to a lot of the things they produce independently but there’s a certain something when these three podcast together. They really work well together. It’s just so entertaining to Listen to them interact and play off of each other. Get the notification that Connected is available every week is a joy. Thanks.

4/5 not enough japery
I mean what is a podcast, really?

One of my favorite podcasts
I adore the chemistry between the hosts and the jokes that have developed on this show, it’s become one of my favorites over time precisely because they don’t take themselves too seriously. Perfect combo of tech + fun.

The best international tech podcast out there
This trio has been doing this the best for years. The most fun tech podcast out there.

Tech show with a great friend dynamic
The three of these guys cover a lot of ground between their different humor, culture, particular needs of tech, and hot takes. This is my favorite show for sure, and these guys raise so much money for st Jude, it’s nearly a business itself. They do great work, have a beautiful community, and I appreciate them very much. Thanks!

a part technology, part comedy podcast. its very fun to listen to, as while they have topics to talk about, they often go on random tangents. Apple events are great as well, the amount of rules they have makes them a big event.

great hosts and a fun dynamic
so i need a widget custom made that five stars all podcasts by relay fm 😊 really like the host dynamic on connected though and it's a good day when i see that colorful image rainbowing up my new episodes list - sometimes i even play last it auromatically because i want to get the less interesting news etc done and get connected as a prize

Connect love it super good
I love it super i fallow all good and if you choose mine what phone14 future fetuses and will the camera change

Once in a great while…
Once in a great while, a podcast comes along that is so groundbreaking, so adept at stretching the boundaries of what we consider to be possible, that it fundamentally alters the medium. This is a podcast.

Japes, japes, JAAAAAPESS! What a great time. Stephen tells jokes that no one gets. Myke has a lusty laugh leaning away from the microphone. I didn’t expect Federico to be so hairy.

Connected is where it is at.
Sometimes should be labeled a comedy podcast instead of tech. Love every episode. Standing for the rules is required by all serious listeners.

Came for the news. Stayed for the japes.
For some reason, I feel like Federico is the charismatic and passionate hero, Myke is the generically British villain, and Stephan is the relatable everyman. Is it just me? But in all seriousness, they all seem like seriously great people with fun chemistry and good Apple-centric tech commentary. I do feel a special connection with Federico. How many other Apple nerds specifically call out their love of The OC and Deathcab?? 😂

Great podcast player
We are all Overcast on this blessed day.

Very good podcast
It’s a very fun and interesting show. The Rickies are always great, but even when there isn’t an Apple event, they often change things up. One time they organized the entire show by die roll. But even when they don’t do something like that, it’s always very funny and interesting. My only complaint is that I wish it was longer. It’s so good that I always finish it quickly.

The only podcast I save to enjoy Saturday morning
Connected is a highlight of my week! Keep the japes, whining, vocal frying, etc coming!

Three Extremely Insightful Fellas
This podcast has extremely high quality, grade-A japes and jokes. The thoughtful discussion and reflection on Apple products has led me to be a more insightful consumer, and has helped me develop a career in tech of my own. Deeply grateful for these friends from across the world!

I love it
These three have some of the best on-air chemistry around. Federico is hilariously Italian, Stephen pronounces words strangely because he lives in the South, and Myke is British.

How Dare You
You will pay for what you have done.

I have a very stressful life. Listening to an Italian talk about writing a blog on the beach is very soothing. On a serious note though: Federico, Myke and Stephen are my friends. They don’t know me, but we’ve been spending almost two hours every week for years. I love ATP and I love Upgrade, but Connected, without question, is my favorite tech podcast out there. Thank you for being with me through the toughest of times. You have no idea how much you mean to me. Best, I love you.

come for Apple news, stay for the banter ^-^
these three fellas have better chemistry than a laboratory ;) thank yall for working so hard to bring us this show week after week!

5 Jape Stars
Lots of Japes from Imyke, Ismh, and an Italian.

Most entertaining Apple podcast
I’ve been listening to Connected since it first started and to The Prompt before that. The show has evolved over the years and it’s been for the better. I’m a big fan of the japes (jokes). Amongst the silliness is a great Apple podcast hosted by three knowledgeable gentleman. It’s informative and entertaining.

Best Podcast App
This is the best podcast app. Multinational, nonsensical, but gotta love this player.

Weird fish. 🦠
How dare you. I love these guys.

Why is no one talking about this ?!
three lovely gents with three fantastic accents and three wonderful successors.

So good!
Easily my top 3 favorite podcast. Each of the hosts are hilarious and balance each other well. I love love love when they do the Rickies and when Ticci guesses the new emoji. Keep up the amazing work!

The best podcast app!
The beta had a bunch of problems, but everything is fixed in 15.1. Great app! 😉 I love listening each week!

Long love the jaeps (japes? What’s the spelling?)!
Thanks to Connected’s unique, international perspective and hilarious banter, it’s the only tech podcast my fiancé will listen to with me

Best Podcast on the Internet
Thank you for making a great show every week. 🟢🟡🟠🔴🟣🔵

Fun hangout tech show
Fun, long-running, Apple-focused tech show. Good place to hear about Apple product rumors and announcements. Great chemistry between the guys.